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  Fundamentals Of Reinrorced Concrete Design,

Fundamentals Of Reinrorced Concrete Design,

by Gambhir

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  Designed primarily as a text for undergraduate
students of Civil Engineering for their first course on
Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, this
compact and well-organized text covers all the
fundamental concepts in a highly readable style. The
text conforms to the provision of the latest revision
of Indian Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced
Concrete, IS : 456 (2000).
First six chapters deal with fundamentals of limit
states design of reinforced concrete. The objective of
last two chapters (including design aids in appendix)
is to initiate the readers in practical design of
concrete structures. The text gives detailed discussion
of basic concepts, behaviour of the various structural
components under loads, and development of
fundamental expressions for analysis and design. It
also presents efficient and systematic procedures
for solving design problems. In addition to the
discussion of basis for design calculations, a large
number of worked-out practical design examples
based on the current design practices have been
included to illustrate the basic principles of
reinforced concrete design.
Besides students, practising engineers would find this
text extremely useful.
• Practical Design of Key Building Elements:
Design of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular
and flanged beams, lintel, continuous beam, one-
way and two-way slabs, staircases; short and
slender columns subjected to axial load, uni-axial
and biaxial bending moments; reinforced concrete
walls; members in direct tension, and members
subjected to bending and direct tension; spread
footings for walls, isolated or independent footings
for columns; Basement wall.
• Practical Detailing the Reinforcement: Detailing of slabs, beams, off-set columns, joints; Detailing
the member with a change in direction, edge
beams, support points, corners of wall; Beams or
girders intersection joints (Grid-joints); Beams and
column joints (Rigid-frame joints); Corner joints;
Exterior and interior joints.
• Design Aids: Maximum positive and negative
bending moments, and reactions in multi-span
continuous-beams; Moment resisting capacity of
singly reinforced rectangular beams; Design of
singly reinforced rectangular beam for the given
ultimate moment; Values of pt and pc for the
doubly reinforced rectangular beam sections for the
given Mu/bd2

Spacing of two-legged stirrups for
given value of shear per unit depth; Design column
interaction diagrams.
• Steel Properties: Area of group of reinforcing
standard bars; Number of standard reinforcing bars
for the given area; Areas of bars in reinforcement
mesh, e.g., slab reinforcement; Perimeter of group
of reinforcing bars; Area, perimeter, mass and mass
of steel for specified spacing of bars.ISBN-- 9788120330481

Pages : 532
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