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  Educating Exceptional Children:An Introduction to Special Education,

Educating Exceptional Children:An Introduction To Special Education,

by Mangal

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 760.75
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  Intended as a text for undergraduate and postgraduate courses (B.Ed./M.Ed.; B.A./M.A. Education) and diploma level courses in Education as well as for courses in Special Education, this compre-hensive and accessible book provides a sound base for understanding Special Children through an insightful and incisive discussion on Special Education.

The text dwells on exceptional children, or children with special needs, who either suffer from various deficits or disabilities, or are gifted. Such children include the mentally retarded, the visually and hearing impaired, the emotionally disturbed, those with autism, cerebral palsy, and the deprived, as well as the gifted and the creative.

This well-organized and pedagogically rich text should be extremely useful to students as well as professionals—special education teachers, those engaged in guidance and counselling, educational policy makers, and field workers, who have an abiding interest in the education of exceptional children and in special education.


? Includes student-friendly features like illustrations, examples, tables, and research-based experimental findings.

? Provides a complete picture of exceptionality, from the early years of human history to the present day.

? Gives case histories to practically illustrate the subject.ISBN-- 9788120332843

Pages : 604
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