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  System Modeling Cellular Biology: From Concepts to Nuts and Bolts,

System Modeling Cellular Biology: From Concepts To Nuts And Bolts,

by Periwal, Vipul, Stelling, Jörg, Szallasi, Zoltan

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Research in systems biology requires the collaboration of researchers from diverse backgrounds, including biology, computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics, and biochemistry. These collaborations, necessary because of the enormous breadth of background needed for research in this field, can be hindered by differing understandings of the limitations and applicability of techniques and concerns from different disciplines.

This book is a comprehensive introduction and overview of system modeling in biology. It makes the relevant background material from all pertinent fields accessible to researchers with different backgrounds. The emerging area of systems level modeling in cellular biology has lacked a critical and thorough overview, and this book fills that gap.

This is perhaps the first book to provide the necessary critical comparison of concepts and approaches, with an emphasis on their possible applications. It presents key concepts and their theoretical background, which includes:

• The concepts of robustness and modularity and their exploitation to study biological systems

• The best-known modeling approaches, and their advantages and disadvantages

• Lessons from the application of mathematical models to the study of cellular biology, and

• Available modeling tools and datasets, along with their computational limitations.ISBN-- 9788120331723

Pages : 464
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