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  Electronics in Medicine and Biomedical Instrumentation,

Electronics In Medicine And Biomedical Instrumentation,

by Jog, Nandini K.

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 165.75
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  Medical electronics is using vast and varied applications in numerous spheres of human endeavour-ranging from communication, biomedical engineering to re-creational activities. This book gives detailed insights into the basics of human physiology and introduces the readers to the role of electronics in medicine and the various state-of-the-art equipments being used in hospitals around the world.
The text presents the reader with a deep understanding of the human body, the functions of its various organs, and then moves on to the biomedical instruments used to decipher with greater precision the signals in relation to the body`s state of well-being or otherwise. The book incorporates the latest research and developments in the field of biomedical instrumentation. Numerous diagrams and photographs of medical instruments make the book visually appealing and interesting.

Primarily intended as a text for students of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, the book would also be of immense interest to medical practitioners.ISBN-- 9788120329263

Pages : 184
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