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  Ordinary Differentia Equations,

Ordinary Differentia Equations,

by Biswal

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the principal topics of ordinary differential equations, special functions, and Laplace transform, and demonstrates the utility of the subject through a variety of applications to engineering problems. It is intended to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students of mathematics as well as all branches of engineering.

The book provides detailed logical explanations of the subject’s theoretical foundations, while at the same time helping students develop strong problem-solving skills. The book focuses on intuitive under-standing of the concepts, clarity of the text, as well as sound and accurate exposition of theory, and provides plentiful exercises that give students the opportunity to enhance their grasp of the text material. In addition, a large number of solved examples interspersed throughout the text help in providing the students with an in-depth insight into underlying concepts and their applicability to solutions of problems in engineering and physical sciences.ISBN--- 9788120336384

Pages : 344
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