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  Proramming Excel With VBA and Net.

Proramming Excel With Vba And Net.

by Webb

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 637.50
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  Why program Excel? For solving complex calculations and presenting results, Excel is amazingly complete with every imaginable feature already in place. But programming Excel isn`t about adding new features as much as it`s about combining existing features to solve particular problems. With a few modifications, you can transform Excel into a task-specific piece of software that will quickly and precisely serve your needs. In other words, Excel is an ideal platform for probably millions of small spreadsheet-based software solutions. The best part is, you can program Excel with no additional tools. A variant of the Visual Basic programming language, VB for Applications (VBA) is built into Excel to facilitate its use as a platform. With VBA, you can create macros and templates, manipulate user interface features such as menus and toolbars, and work with custom user forms or dialog boxes. VBA is relatively easy to use, but if you`ve never programmed before, Programming Excel with VBA and .NET is a great way to learn a lot very quickly. If you`re an experienced Excel user or a Visual Basic programmer, you`ll pick up a lot of valuable new tricks. Developers looking forward to .NET development will also find discussion of how the Excel object model works with .NET tools, including Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO). This book teaches you how to use Excel VBA by explaining concepts clearly and concisely in plain English, and provides plenty of downloadable samples so you can learn by doing. You`ll be exposed to a wide range of tasks most commonly performed with Excel, arranged into chapters according to subject, with those subjects corresponding to one or more Excel objects. With both the samples and important reference information for each object included right in the chapters, instead of tucked away in separate sections, Programming Excel with VBA and .NET covers the entire Excel object library. For those just starting out, it also lays down the basic rules common to all programming languages. With this single-source reference and how-to guide, you`ll learn to use the complete range of Excel programming tasks to solve problems, no matter what you`re experience level. About the Authors Jeff Webb is the author of Excel 2003 Programming: A Developer`s Notebook. Jeff has written about computers and technology for 20 years. His books include Using Excel Visual Basic for Applications; Visual Basic Developer`s Workshop; and Developing Web Applications with Visual Basic .NET. He has also written programming guides, articles, and sample applications for Microsoft and Digital Equipment Corporation. ISBN-- 9788184041453

Pages : 1128
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