Unit 1: Basics of Vaginal Delivery, 1.1 Maternal PassagePelvis, 1.2 PassengerFetal Dimensions and Dispositions, 1.3 Movement of PassengerMechanism of Vaginal Delivery, 1.4 Stages of Labor, 1.5 Places of Vaginal DeliveryLabor Room, 1.6 Record Keeping in LaborManagement, Unit 2: Management of Normal Labor, 2.1 Objective of Intranatal Care, 2.2 Admission Procedure, Clinical Diagnosis of Onset and Progress of Labor, 2.3 Fetal Monitoring in Labor, 2.4 Fluid Management in Labor, 2.5 Analgesia and Anesthetic in Vaginal Delivery, 2.6 Labor Management Protocols, Unit 3: Abnormal Labor Situations, 3.1 Dystocia and Cephalopelvic Disproportion, 3.2 Vaginal Delivery in Abnormal Presentation and Position, 3.3 Face Presentation, 3.4 Brow Presentation, 3.5 Breech Presentation, 3.6 Transverse LieShoulder Presentation, 3.7 Compound Presentation, 3.8 Management of Labor in Multifetal Gestation, Unit 4: Vaginal Delivery in Special Situations, 4.1 Principle of Management of Preterm Labor and Preterm Prelabor Rupture of Membranes, 4.2. Postterm Pregnancy, 4.3 Still Birth/Perinatal Death/ Intrauterine Death, 4.4 Labor in Women with Cardiac Disease, 4.5 Labor in Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy, 4.6 Labor Practice in Diabetics, 4.7 Labor in Special Cases, 4.8 Labor Management in HIV Positive Mother, 4.9 Labor Management in Rh ve Women, 4.10 Vaginal Delivery in Antepartum Hemorrhage, 4.11 Vaginal Birth after Previous Cesarean Section, Unit 5: Obstetric Operations, 5.1 Episiotomy, 5.2 Instrumental Delivery, 5.3 Induction of Labor, 5.4 Maternal Injuries, Unit 6: Childbirth Emergencies, 6.1 Cord ProlapseAbnormal Descent of Umbilical Cord, 6.2 Shoulder Dystocia, 6.3 Postpartum Hemorrhage, 6.4 Uterus Rupture, 6.5 Inversion of Uterus, 6.6 Amniotic Fluid Embolism, 6.7 Maternal Collapse and Shock, Unit 7: Newborn Resuscitation and Puerperal Care, 7.1 The Newborn Infant, 7.2 Newborn Resuscitation, 7.3 Postpartum Care. ISBN: 9788184483024