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  Development Of Researches in Anthropology in India -  A Case Study

Development Of Researches In Anthropology In India - A Case Study

by L.P. Vidyarthi And V.S.Upadhyay

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.00
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  For some time now there has been a growing feeling that researches in the social sciences in India ought to seek indigenous theme and models if they are to be of any relevance or use in furthering our knowledge. Anthropology, more than any other social science, must needs root itself more firmly on native soil if its findings are to provide fodder for future researches. This is volume 2 in a series which is intended to cover key problem areas in anthropology. Papers presented by academicians and administrators at a national symposium in Ranchi, Bihar have been put together in this book to present a case study of anthropological researches in Bihar. Such a study should be of immense value in identifying major areas for research on a priority basis and in indicating the quantum of research that has so far been produced. The overall picture given here also includes the teaching of anthropology in Bihar which is offered as a separate subject from the very first year up to the Masters degree in Ranchi University. An indispensable volume for anthropologists and sociologists and indeed for anyone interested in tribal studies.ISBN:8170221587

Pages : 254
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