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  Population Poverty and Environment in North East India

Population Poverty And Environment In North East India

by B.Datta Ray H.K. Mazhari, P.M. Passah And M.C. Pandey

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 480.00
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  The papers in this volume deal with the population dynamics, poverty and environment in North East India which are inter-linked. All processes of social and economical development planning must take into account, the demographic dimension, levels of poverty and the physical and social environment in which the people live. The right size of population and the human quality are important factors for social and economic development. The quality of life in terms of infrastructure like road, potable water, health services, education etc. is determined by the assured and required income level. Even in North-East India Tribal areas, the inbuilt environmental defence mechanism is fast breaking down. The volume analyses and suggests remedies for countering the degrading social situation. The towns are fortresses of wealth surrounded by hungry people, the victims of poverty. The poverty is due to low land-man ratio, dependence of the poor on wage income and their inability to find wage employment throughout the year in the villages. The papers included in this volume are an attempt to study the issues.ISBN:8170227704

Pages : 412
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