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  Computer Education in India: Past, Present and Future

Computer Education In India: Past, Present And Future

by Utpal K Banerjee

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1200.00
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  The book is a comprehensive and cohesive effort- the first of its kind to document the entire computer education scenario in the country. It is based on a few authored articles and, for the rest, scanty and widely distributed source material put together by diligent research.
The book beings by enumerating the emergence of computer hardware and software in the Indian scene right form its inception, as seen by very senior professional who actually participated in this process. In the formal education scenario, the book maps out the growth and progress of computer education in India as an accumulated effort of many institutions. The account covers polytechnics, engineering colleges, IITs (serving as centres of excellence), central universities and some deemed universities. The continuing education scenario is given in some details. The book brings out the valuable contributions made by many organizations, institutions, non-academic bodies professional societies, government departments, public sector enterprises and the whole gamut of the private sector. India also owes its gratitude to many visionaries, opinion leaders and science luminaries whose reports, statements and position papers are put together here, before providing at the end some future directions in computer education.
The book will be of immense value to everyone with interest in computer education in India and other developing countries.ISBN:8170226090

Pages : 569
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