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  Musical Cultural Of the Munda Tribe

Musical Cultural Of The Munda Tribe

by Sem Topno

  Price : Rs 900.00
  Your Price : Rs 720.00
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  One of the important areas of study in anthropology, so far neglected, is tribal music. This book on musical culture of the Munda tribe of Chhotanagpur plateau of middle eastern India is a step in this direction. Music is composed from real life situation and experiences of either sex of the individuals and depicts the total life as well as cultural history of the people of that period. How a Munda perceives, conceptualises and articulates his life experiences ideas and emotions and how he formulates philosophy of life out of his experiences, is a representative example of the pattern and process in music making and its value in tribal society. Musical life of the tribals is full of behavioural activities and interactions with men, on the one hand, and with nature and spirit world, on the other. Human ideas, attitudes and emotions in general, find its best expression through the medium of song and dance and the best example of it can be seen in Munda music. In the book, original song texts have been retained with English translation so as to facilitate further research in this area.ISBN:8180690245

Pages : 589
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