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  Instant Paediatrics

Instant Paediatrics

by K.N. Agarwal

  Price : Rs 135.00
  Your Price : Rs 114.75
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  About the book- A crisp & comprehensive book, for undergraduates to reviews, the pediatric course recommended by the medical Council of India. For complete and easy revision the book is prepared in five parts, part I includes national vital statistics normal growth pattern and methods to monitor, developmental milestones with behaviour disorders, nutritional needs and the related deficiency disorders. part II is mainly devoted to systemic diseases, In part III care of the newborn child is given as a complete subject, Part IV describes infections of various systems; bacterial, viral, protozoa etc, This part also discusses immunizations recommended for the prevention of diseases and properties of our vaccines. Part V coverss various emergencies that could not be covered in the subject chapters. About the Author-Dr.(Prof) K N Agarwal is the former director Sanjay Gandhi PGI Medical Science, Lucknow and ex Director/Dean Institute Medical sciences, Varansai. He was appointed Professor of Pediatrics in 1973 and served up to 65 years of age in his teaching career. His |Outstanding contributions to the medical fratemity include his work on Mechanisms in red cell lysis prevention by corticosteroids, leucocyte Free alpha nitrogen and amino acid patterns in protein calorie malnutrition, Salivary Ferritin in Protein energy Malnutrition Laten Iron Deficiency and Brain neurotransmitters etc. His current research interest is "Probiotics in control of diarrhoea", particularly in malnourished children. Prof. Agarwal was trained in Pediatric hematology from the University of Uppsala, Sweden (MD-1965). He did his MD in Pediatrics from the University of Delhi in 1969. The Growth data by him and associates has been recommended by the indian Academy of pediatrics to be used as national standard. He also served on the faculty of the United Nations`s University for Nutrition research for Minimal Protein requirements in lacto-vegetarians. Presently Dr. Agarwal is a Hon. Scientist Indian Nationa Science Academy and President Health Care and Research Association for Adolescents. ISBN : 8180522660

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