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  The Taliban Phenomenon : Afghanistan 1994-1997

The Taliban Phenomenon : Afghanistan 1994-1997

by Kamal Matinuddin

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 547.40
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  The Taliban phenomenon created a new and puzzling reality when it first appeared in 1994, gathered momentum and grew into a force that dominated the afghan landscape. War-hardened aedversaries either joined the Talibans or fell back is disarray. Some observers saw them as militant reformists with sword in one hand and the koran in the other . the rapidity with which they brouughtt large tracts of war-ravaged territory under control, putting an end to crime and disorder, attracted world attention untill their draconian measures and fundamentalism raised alarm in the world. As the country most affected by the continuing convulsion and civil strife in afghanistan, pakistan`s vital interest are engaged in its outcome. more than one and a half million refugees in the border areas,. the eventuality of the dismemberment of afghanistan and its ramifications are described in detail. The author concludes that pakistana and other neighbours must resist from interventing in the civil war. 1999 ISBN 81 7062 107 0 Hb pp316 B/W Photographs

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