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  Linguistic Traditions of Kashmir Essays in Memory of Pandit Dinanath Yaksha

Linguistic Traditions Of Kashmir Essays In Memory Of Pandit Dinanath Yaksha

by Kapila Vatsyayan Mrinal Kaul,

  Price : Rs 1250.00
  Your Price : Rs 1000.00
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  The present volume mainly consists of original research papers. It is not a collection or anthology in which specialists of the different aspects of Kashmirian use or study of language were invited to write essays surveying the aspects best known to them or to produce state-of-the-art reports about the scholarly study of the aspects. An effort, however, has been made in the Introduction to provide the general background that a reader may need in order to situate the papers in the proper intellectual and historical context. The Introduction further outlines the themes that could and should be particularly explored to lead us to a fuller and sharper understanding of Kashmir`s analytical engagement with language. The appendices toward the end of the volume then complement the Introduction by presenting objective and practical information about the manuscripts etc. of works in Sanskrit.

The volume could connect the results of the work done in the past with the work to be done in the future by adding to knowledge in the present because of the articles it attracted from veteran as well as upcoming researchers. The reader will find here discussions bearing upon texts, as well as discussions bearing upon the authors of texts; discussions devoted to elucidating single passages, as well as discussions exploring instances of intertextuality; and discussions exclusively addressing individual grammars, as well as discussions engaging in the relation of one grammatical school with another.

ISBN : 9788124604403

Pages : 609
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