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  The Abacus

The Abacus

by Jesse Dilson

  Price : Rs 1428.88
  Your Price : Rs 1428.88
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  "Can you do addition?" the white Queen asked"What one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one and one?" " I don`t Know", Said Alice." I lost Couunt." Can you answer this question? yes, certainly with help of abacus you can an abacus also called as counting frame is a calculating tool for performing arithmetical processes it is as fast in some people`s hand as a calculator it is often constructed as wooden frame with beads sliding on wires it has first created centuries ago whether one is an expert in the last computer technology or mastering arithmetic and word problems for the first time, it won`t take long to learn the the basics of adding subtracting multiplying and dividing on this indigenous and fun to use mathematical tool this book is good and to the point book to give you an overview of the basic usage of it. Abacus: A fundamental resource in a acquiring mental arithmetic skills. Makes understanding mathematics simple and easier than it ever was. ISBN : 9788131903070

Pages : 144
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