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  Restructuring Of International Economic Relation : Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries

Restructuring Of International Economic Relation : Uruguay Round And The Developing Countries

by Sumitra Chishti

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 160.00
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  This book systematically analyzes the factors that have led to marginalization of developing countries in the world economy. It discusses the status of various principles and provisions which were built in the world trading system over the years to enable the developing countries to benefit from it. It highlights the challenges and the sources of these challenges to them in the context of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations specifying the areas of deep concern to developing countries. The ineffectiveness of collective bargaining of developing countries in pursuing their objective in the present world economic order and the factors responsible for it have been assessed. It also outlines the elements of the emerging world trading system including the thinking on the establishment of a new International Trade Organization and its implications to developing countries. ISBN:8170223695

Pages : 212
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