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  Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira

Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira

by Prof. Dr. Yogesh Chandra Mishra

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 250.75
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  The present work Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira by a well known scholar and author of repute prof. Dr. Yogesh Chandra Mishra, is a complete and comprehensive treatise, which the with various physiological aspects of human body. this is the first book in english which deals with the subject in all completeness and clarity, covering the various unique aspects of Ayurvediya Sarira Kriya Vijnana and also points out. where it differs from the modern physiology, the Swasthya according to Ayurveda is not mere the balanced state of a few physical and chemical entities and the happiness of manas and atman is the precondition of the holistic health but the modern medical science does not accept the role of the soul atma in health and treatment. The another problem is regarding the translation of technical terms, Ancient Ayurvedic treatises are available in Sanskrta language and the exact translation of all the words in English in any other language is not an easy task as the power and meaning of the words may differ according to their practical use as abhidha, laksna and vyanjana and decoding (and not obly translation) of the various terms used in various references is an important but somehow a difficult job. The aouthor has tried his best successfully one both of the points. The book no doubt, will prove as most useful asset to the K.G. and P.G. students and research scholars of Ayurveda. It will also prove helpful to all those, who are interested to keep in the basic fundamentals of the science as well as the art of living known as Ayurveda. The author, beijng a senior professor in the subject of basic principals of Ayurveda, with a good background of Sanskrta language and philosophy, the book bears a rare blend of conceptual authenticity, linguistic clarity and philosophical based scientific temper. No doubt it is an unique attempt ot fill the gap in the field of Ayurvedic literature. ISBN : 9788189798079

Pages : 496
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