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  Handbook Of Child (With Historical Backgroung)

Handbook Of Child (With Historical Backgroung)

by P.P. Barooah

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 400.00
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  An understanding of those who thought and planned for children, will make us appreciate the vision they had for the future of the child. Without this knowledge and awareness, one cannot admire and appreciate `those` who have made children`s existence conspicuous and have made a solid contribution towards children. The first chapter highlights the place of child in the past. The subsequent chapters deal with the National Policy for Children and the events that lead to the planning of this historic event. Equally important are others on Child Legislation, the Children`s Charger and Rights of the Child, and these find an important place in the book. Universal Children`s Day which is celebrated every year. Each year new theme has contributed to the different needs of the children and has created awareness in the gaps in services. The chapters that follow deal with different organisation engaged in promoting the well being of the child. In the revised Edition, added new Chapter is on "Indigenous Medicine" for children and mother. Also another Chapter on the Five-Year Plans have the Eighth Plan and Projected Ninth Five-Year Plan. Last but most important is the Chapter on "Statistics on Children in India" which I consider most valuable for all purposes.ISBN:8170227356

Pages : 396
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