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  Scientists Must Speak : Bringing Presentation to Life

Scientists Must Speak : Bringing Presentation To Life

by Walters

  Price : Rs 295.00
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  Having the ability to speak confidently; engage the audience; make a clear, well-argued case; and handle any tricky situations, is rarely a natural talent, but it can be learned through application and practice. Scientists Must Speak: Bringing Presentations to Life helps readers do just that. At some point in their careers, the majority of scientists have to stand up in front of an inquisitive audience or board and present information. This can be a stressful experience for many. For scientists, the experience may be further complicated by the specialist nature of the data and the fact that most self-help books are aimed at business or social situations. Scientists Must Speak includes sections on: * targeting your talk - knowing your audience and how to pitch to them * organizing your presentation - aligning your points logically around a central key theme * using visual aids effectively - how to avoid a random slide show *`practice, practice, practice` - it`s a rare orator that does not need to practice * taking control - preparing the room, using eye contact, and checking the audience is with you * voice and language - developing a good speaking style, and help for those for whom English is a second language * body language - the messages your posture, mannerisms and facial expressions convey to the audience * handling question and answer sessions - taking the fear out of these * expecting the unexpected - how to cope with unforeseen mishaps * adapting material for different situations - how to avoid reinventing the wheel * organizing a session with several speakers - how to organize or chair sessions Written by authors with many years` experience of teaching presentation techniques, this engaging text will help readers make the best of their presentations and remove some of the fear that makes them a daunting prospect. isbn---- 9780415280280

Pages : 144
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