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  Planning Theories and Techniques in India : A Critique

Planning Theories And Techniques In India : A Critique

by Shribhagwan Dahiya

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.00
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  Planning Theories and Techniques in India provides a comprehensive survey of those development planning models that have served as the theoretical basis to India`s successive five year plans. By so doing the author has illustrated the progress made by the development economics over the period covered especially by the aspects relevant to India and as seen by mathematically oriented economists. The most important planning techniques have been discussed and a comparative dynamic optimising planning model has bee developed to compare the relative efficiency of the various plan techniques. A multi regional, multi sectoral optimizing planning model has also been developed to show the mathematical structure such a model can have. The study also suggests certain elements of reality in the context of Indian economy, which must be introduced in the formulation of planning models in future. The book would be of interest to professional economists as well as advanced students in the areas of economic development, economic planning and economic modeling. It would also be of immense value to policy makers and economic researchers in developed as well as developing countriesISBN:8170222346

Pages : 256
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