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  Supply Responses in Backward Agriculture : An Economics Study of Chotanagur Region

Supply Responses In Backward Agriculture : An Economics Study Of Chotanagur Region

by L.N. Bhagat

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.00
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  This book makes a modest attempt to investigate the nature and extent of supply responses in backward. Agriculture in the case of tribal concentrated Chotanagpur region- a socially and economically back ward region of a backward state (Bihar) in India. The study probes into inter district and inter period variation at the responses over the period and their causes in the case of subsistence crops mainly cereals. A simple analytical model has been developed for studying the supply responsiveness of the Chotanagpur farmers and the necessary statistical supports have been provided with. The study indicates low price responsiveness of the Chotanagpur farmers mainly due to infrastructural and other agricultural constraints. The findings of the study have important implications for a policy on agricultural development in the Chotanagpur region. The book should prove useful to economists, agriculturists, sociologists, anthropologists and to planners in identify regional problems in traditional agriculture as well as in ushering in modern agricultural practices.ISBN:8170220378

Pages : 254
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