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  Climatic Characteristics and Water Balance: A Study of Uttar Pradesh

Climatic Characteristics And Water Balance: A Study Of Uttar Pradesh

by Lalita Devi

  Price : Rs 270.00
  Your Price : Rs 216.00
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  For any sound economic, social and particularly agricultural planning, the seasonal deficiency and surplus of water in the soil must be known to the planners and policy makers. As such, there is a very sound case for a scientific diagnosis of the rainfall regime and water balance. This new venture in geographical studies makes an attempt in this direction. Monthly climatic water balance in different parts of the Uttar Pradesh state has been worked out on the basis of the necessary climatic data available for 39 meteorological stations. On the basis of the soil and vegetation types, an estimate has been made of the moisture holding capacity of the soil in different regions. For the calculation of water balance at different representative stations, Thornthwaite method and the relevant tables prepared by Thornthwaite and Mather have been used. A new method has been adopted for assessing the water surplus and water deficit period, amount, area and special features in excessive rainy and drought years. Regional planning bodies in the state would get a lot of assistance from this study in their attempt to improve the irrigation facilities in different parts of the state. The work would also help the water management authorities in the drought prone areasISBN:817022389X

Pages : 207
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