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  The Great Sales Book

The Great Sales Book

by Jack Colis

  Price : Rs 1622.78
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  Not getting all the sales figures you need to make budget, Feel as though everyone is slamming the door on your face?, Running out of new and innovative ideas for presenting yourself and your product?, Don`t despair! This exciting book on sales & Marketing by jack coillis gives you all the practical help and advice you need to maximize your selling potential offers useful tried and tested advice as to how to increase your sales productivity benefit from jack collis`s years of experience ad he guides through the ps;ychology of selling teaches you the art of effective face-to-face communication and gives you excellent tips on how to powerful present yourself and your product to get the results you want jack collis is one of Australia`s best selling business and motivational writers and a leader in the fields of sales marketing customer service and mond power he has a successful sales training career spanning over 35 years jack collis has personally influenced over 100,000 sales people in face-to-face trainning through his books and various training seminars he has made profound difference to people`s lives and careers in contributing success of sales people across australia and new zealand and other countries where his tapes and books have carried that influence internationally jack`s programs are focused on immediate and long term success he is a legend in successful sales performance in today`s hectic chase for instant success and quick fix technology based solutions. ISBN : 9788131900703

Pages : 450
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