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  The Good Grammar Guide - 2nd Edition

The Good Grammar Guide - 2Nd Edition

by Palmer

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 241.90
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  A goodworking knowledge of grammar will unquestionably help you become a better writer and speaker. This book includes guidance on: Parts of speech - the jobs words do Inflections - changes in the form of words according to the job they are doing Syntax - how words operate in groups, as part of sentences Punctuation, speech and quotation Spelling and confusables - a list of words that cause trouble, because of their spelling, their meaning, or both Plenty of sound and meticulous advice is offered in a friendly, enthusiastic and often humorous tone. The many examples and exercises throughout help you put into practice the techniques and skills explored. This book is for anyone who wants to improve his or her knowledge or grammar and punctuation. Written by an author who thinks that learning grammar should be fun, this guide is the perfect accompaniment to the author`s best-selling book Write in Style: A Guide to Good English 2nd editionISBN-----97804153121264,

Pages : 200
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