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  Muncipal Finance in the Metropolitan Cities Of India: A Case Study of Delhi Municipal Corporation

Muncipal Finance In The Metropolitan Cities Of India: A Case Study Of Delhi Municipal Corporation

by Jai Bhawan

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 400.00
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  Municipal finance deals with only three of the basic problems of public finance, namely allocation, development and redistribution (the fourth being stabilisation). The present book makes a humble attempt to examine the extent to which these problems have been solved by the finances of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. It analyses the finances of the corporation with emphasis on financial administration, for a period of twenty-one year and compares them with those of the Municipal Corporations of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras. A special feature of the book is the minute examination of a large number of cases reported by the Municipal Chief Auditor in his annual reports. The book should be very useful for councillors and officials of municipal corporations as it contains valuable suggestions and guidelines. It may be painful reading of the common citizen as it tells a woeful tale of the frittering away of its scarce resources by the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. ISBN:8170221730

Pages : 249
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