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  Game Of Budgeting and Human Behaviour

Game Of Budgeting And Human Behaviour

by P.C. Jain

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 160.00
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  This studies on budgeting, which have been carried out by academics in recent years tend in varying degrees to stress the accounting techniques and process Processes involved. At the other extreme there are behavioural studies dealing with the impact of budgets on people. The present study is an attempt to fill the gap between the two extremes by introducing the concept of play in the game of budget motivation. The problem posed is How to live with the budgets and yet be motivated by them. The author has found that both motivation and job satisfaction of a budgetee are positively affected when the atmosphere created around the fulfillment of standards is one of sportsmanship i.e., of seeing budget control as a game. This game atmosphere is related to the control autonomy balance, because a game atmosphere is elated to the control autonomy balance, because a game presupposes a certain free area to play in, a certain margin or scope or play. Without this freedom, there can be no game spirit. Budgetees need free scope in budget fulfillment. This is a path-breaking study on the budgeting and should find favour with all those interested in the field of Industry, Commerce, Economic, Finance, Management and Planning. ISBN:8170222451

Pages : 217
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