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  Accounting Education in South Asia

Accounting Education In South Asia

by K.R. Sharma

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 320.00
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  The work Accounting Education in South Asia is based on findings of a major research project funded by the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi. It is an exploration of distinctive features, social systems, economies, educational systems and arrangement for accounting education under university system and also by institutions of professional accountants in South Asia. Countries of South Asia share a common heritage, culture and geography. This region has been cradle of many great civilizations. It falls among high population density, low per capital income and consumption and low literacy regions of the world. Inter-country trade, migration of people, flow of information, goods and services, and investment are at low level among these countries. However, in spite of adverse political atmosphere and poor infrastructure base, these countries are in transition, gradually moving from agriculture to industry and services. India among these countries is comparatively more developed. The book brings to light a variety of interesting facts regarding the role of universities and institutes of professional accountants, their activities and membership. Charting the trend of changes in social and economic set-up, job opportunities and job requirements, impact of globalization and information technology, etc., detailed suggestions have been made for quality improvement and inter-institution and inter-country cooperation.ISBN:8180690423

Pages : 238
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