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  Numerical Recipes In Fortan

Numerical Recipes In Fortan

by Press

  Price : Rs 495.00
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  The book retains the informal, easy-to-read style that made the first edition so popular, with many new topics presented at the same accessible level. In addition, some sections of more advanced material have been introduced, set off in small type from the main body of the text. Numerical Recipes is an ideal textbook for scientists and engineers and an indispensable reference for anyone who works in scientific computing. Highlights of the new material include: A new chapter on integral equations and inverse methods, Multigrid methods for solving partial differential equations, Improved random number routines, Wavelet transforms, The statistical bootstrap method, A new chapter on "less-numerical" algorithms including compression coding and arbitrary precision arithmetic, Band diagonal linear systems, linear algebra on sparse matrices, Cholesky and QR decomposition, Calculation of numerical derivatives, Pade approximants, and rational Chebyshev approximation, New special functions, Monte Carlo integration in high-dimensional spaces, Globally convergent methods for sets of nonlinear equations, An expanded chapter on fast Fourier methods, Spectral analysis on unevenly sampled data, Savitzky-Golay smoothing filters, Two-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnoff tests. All this is in addition to material on such basic topics as: linear equations, interpolation and extrapolation, integration, nonlinear root-finding, etgensystems, ordinary differential equations, evaluation of functions, sorting, optimization, statistical description and modeling of data, and two-point boundary value problems. ISBN--- 9788185618173

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