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  The Fundamentals of Small Group communication

The Fundamentals Of Small Group Communication

by Scott A Myers

  Price : Rs 3620.68
  Your Price : Rs 3258.61
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  For the intoductory group communication course .I between this book would be an execllent choice .Too many small group communication textbooks focus on the group and not the individual in the group It cover enough material but not in too much and not depth for a first years students to understand the basis of small group communication .Additionally,I like theinterpersonal approach this text takes in regard to the individual intheh small group .Our student need to know how to act in a small group and this book provide that direction.Moreover , I think the small case studies at the beginning of each chapter will encourage theh students to actually read the chapter because they are intersting and relate to our students everydays lives. ISBN : 9781412959391.

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