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  Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation, 3rd Ed.

Introduction To Measurements And Instrumentation, 3Rd Ed.

by Ghosh

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  The Third Edition of this highly readable book presents the subject of measurement and instrumentation systems as an integrated and coherent text suitable for a one-semester term for undergraduate students of Instrumentation Engineering, as well as for instrumentation course/paper for Electrical/Electronics disciplines.

Modern scientific world requires an increasing number of complex measure-ments and instruments. The material presented in this text is designed to ensure that the student gains a thorough understanding of the concepts and principles of measurement of physical quantities and the related transducers and instruments. Signal conditioning is explained elaborately in three successive chapters dealing with bridge circuits, linear and nonlinear processes, and recovery and conversion of signals. The style of delivery is straightforward, pragmatic, and concise.

Worked-out examples are included throughout the text and review questions, culled from examination papers of many universities, are presented at the end of each chapter. Solutions to all numerical problems are given at the end of the book. ISBN : 9788120338586

Pages : 816
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