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  Environment Law

Environment Law

by Sengar

  Price : Rs 695.00
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  Today, more than ever before, there is considerable concern about the deterioration of the environment arising from environmental pollution — water, air, noise, radiation and others. For, such pollution has a huge adverse impact on human health, and the hazards it poses are too numerous. There is also a felt-need for environmental protection and management and effective implementation of environmental laws. This comprehensive book, authored by Prof. Sengar, an eminent academic, with his wealth of experience in various areas of environmental law and management, brings these issues into sharp focus.

The book highlights problems such as public health and safety, right to carry on trade vis-à-vis duty to protect environment, right to information about hazardous installations, right to clean environment, and ecological balance for sustainable development. It stresses the need for striking a balancer between environment and development to bring about sustainable development. Finally, the text shows how important it is to formulate a legal framework for environmental protection.


• While giving a broad conceptual overview of environmental law, the text explains the major environmental laws, examines the relevant provisions, and traces the origin of constitutional support to environmental protection.

• Refers to all leading cases on environmental law and highlights the role of judiciary on entertaining as well as restraining public interest litigations (PILs) to stop environmental violations.

• Provides Appendices containing various environmental laws.

• The accompanying CD-ROM contains text of all relevant environmental laws—both general and specific—to help readers have access to those laws instantly.

Primarily intended as a text for students of law (LL.B./BA LL.B./LL.M., MBL) and management (MBA), the book should also prove to be an excellent reference for academics, lawyers, judges, environmental activists, environmental managers and corporates concerned with environmental protection.ISBN : 9788120330597

Pages : 376
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