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  Introduction to Heat and Mass Transfer

Introduction To Heat And Mass Transfer

by Som

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 930.75
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  This book presents a comprehensive treatment of the essential fundamentals of the topics that should be taught as the first-level course in Heat Transfer to the students of engineering disciplines. The book is designed to stimulate student learning through clear, concise language. The theoretical content is well balanced with the problem-solving methodology necessary for developing an orderly approach to solving a variety of engineering problems. The book provides adequate mathematical rigour to help students achieve a sound understanding of the physical processes involved.

Key Features :

A well-balanced coverage between analytical treatments, physical concepts and practical demonstrations.

Analytical descriptions of theories pertaining to different modes of heat transfer by the application of conservation equations to control volume and also by the application of conservation equations in differential form like continuity equation, Navier–Stokes equations and energy equation.

A short description of convective heat transfer based on physical understanding and practical applications without going into mathematical analyses (Chapter 5).

A comprehensive description of the principles of convective heat transfer based on mathematical foundation of fluid mechanics with generalized analytical treatments (Chapters 6, 7 and 8).

A separate chapter describing the basic mechanisms and principles of mass transfer showing the development of mathematical formulations and finding the solution of simple mass transfer problems.

A summary at the end of each chapter to highlight key terminologies and concepts and important formulae developed in that chapter.

A number of worked-out examples throughout the text, review questions, and exercise problems (with answers) at the end of each chapter.

This book is appropriate for a one-semester course in Heat Transfer for undergraduate engineering students pursuing careers in mechanical, metallurgical, aerospace and chemical disciplines.ISBN : 9788120330603

Pages : 572
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