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  Introduction to Finite Elements in engineering, 3rd Edi.

Introduction To Finite Elements In Engineering, 3Rd Edi.

by Chandrupatla & Belegundu

  Price : Rs 475.00
  Your Price : Rs 403.75
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  This updated and improved text, now in its third edition, presents an accessible introduction to finite methodologies through careful integration of theory with examples and exercises involving engineering applications. Addressing the needs of students, the book enumerates the requisite steps towards clear under-standing of the theoretical concepts. The steps used in the development of theory are implemented in complete, self-contained computer programs. The programs have a common structure to enable the users to follow their development easily.
Beginning with a brief historical background and development of the fundamental concepts, the text emphasizes problem formulation and modeling in each chapter to help students develop a firm understanding of these critical skills.
New material has been added to cover acoustics, axisymmetric quadrilateral elements, conjugate gradient approach, and eigenvalue evaluation.
Comprehensive and flexible, the book satisfies the textbook requirements of senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of engineering as well as those of technical professionals for a valuable learning resource.ISBN : 9788120321069

Pages : 484
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