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  Fundamentals Of Surveying, 2nd edi..,

Fundamentals Of Surveying, 2Nd Edi..,

by Roy

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 1015.75
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  Primarily aimed to be an introductory text for the first course in surveying for civil, architecture and mining engineering students, this book, now in its second edition, is also suitable for various professional courses in surveying.

Written in a simple and lucid language, this book at the outset, presents a thorough introduction to the subject. Different measurement errors with their types and nature are described along with measurement of horizontal distances and electronic distances measurements. This text covers in detail the topics in levelling, angles and directions and compass survey. The functions and uses of different instruments, such as theodolites, tacheometers and stadia rods are also covered in the text. Besides, the book elaborates different fields of surveying, such as plane table surveying, topographical surveying, construction surveying and underground surveys. Finally, the book includes a chapter on computer applications in surveying.


Includes about 400 figures to explain the fundamentals of surveying.

Uses SI units throughout the book.

Offers more than 170 fully-solved examples including the questions generated from premier universities.

Provides a large number of problems and answers at the end of each chapter.

Incorporates objective questions from AMIE exams and Indian Engineering Services exams.ISBN 9788120341982

Pages : 624
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