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  Vector Analysis, 2nd edi..,

Vector Analysis, 2Nd Edi..,

by Chatterjee

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 148.75
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  This fully revised and thoroughly updated second edition takes into account the constructive suggestions received from teachers and students alike on the first edition. A new chapter on Generalized Coordinate System has been added to make the book complete. Some more examples have been provided to highlight the applicability of vectors in physics and engineering. The answers to all the end-of-chapter exercises have been given in this edition to enhance the utility of the book.

Beginning with the basic concepts of vector methods and various operations of vector-valued functions such as continuity, differentiability, and integrability, the three fundamental differential operators-gradient, divergence, and curl-are fully explored. The text then moves on to provide the essentials of differential geometry with particular reference to curvature and torsion, and Serret-Frenet equations. The chapter on mechanics demonstrates the strength of vectors in tackling physical problems. The book concludes with a new chapter on notions of vectors in the generalized coordinate system.

This book is primarily intended for use by undergraduate students of mathematics and science for a course in vector analysis. It will also be useful to engineering students, as part of a course in engineering mathematics, where they are introduced to vector algebra, so essential for assimilating a better understanding of the physical aspects of the theory.isbn-9788120327320

Pages : 272
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