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  Gas Dynamics 3rd Edition

Gas Dynamics 3Rd Edition

by Radhakrishnan

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  This revised and updated third edition continues to provide the most accessible and readable approach to the study of all the vital topics and issues associated with gas dynamic processes. At every stage, the physics governing the process, its application and limitations are discussed in depth. In the third edition, several new problems with answers have been added at the end of many chapters. The chapter titled Measurements in Compressible Flow has been augmented with high speed wind tunnels, covering the type of supersonic tunnels, their design features, calibration, instrumentation and operating principles.

With a strong emphasis on basic concepts and problem-solving skills, this text is suitable for a course Gas Dynamics/Compressible Flows/High-speed Aerodyna-mics both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and applied physics. The elegant and concise writing style of the book, along with illustrations and worked examples, makes it eminently suitable for self-study by scientists and engineers working in the field of gas dynamics in industries and research laboratories. ISBN-- 9788120341975

Pages : 508
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