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  News Reporters And News Sources : Accomplices In Shaping And Misshaping The News, 2nd Ed.

News Reporters And News Sources : Accomplices In Shaping And Misshaping The News, 2Nd Ed.

by Strentz

  Price : Rs 49.00
  Your Price : Rs 41.65
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  Modern society is information hungry. Democracy depends on public opinion and public opinion largely depends on the news provided by the media. This basic modern phenomenon has led to a nexus between news reporters and news sources. Strentz has analyzed this behind the scene activity in great detail. He has dwelt on the responsibilities of the reporters and the source to serve the public faithfully. It has been indicated that the reporter gives the feedback to the source and then the information is given to the news audience.The text offers to the journalism students and the professionals a philosophical insight in the role of the reporters. This second edition includes news coverage on terrorism, minorities and the disenfranchised besides a new chapter on ethics.ISBN 8120308026

Pages : 192
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