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Military Books
Achieving Universal Primary Education By 2015: A Shance For Every Child
by Barbara Runs, Alain Mingat And Ramahatra Rakotomalala
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One hundrd and eighty-nine countries have committed themselves to the Millennium Development Goals aimed at eradicating extreme poverty and Imporving the welfare of people by the year 2015. Few global goals gave been as consistently and deeply supported as the second MDG, which states that by 2015,"chldren everywhere boys and girls alike will be ale to complete a full course of primary schooling." Achievement of this goal is crucial as education is one of the most powerful instruments known or reducing povery and inequality and for laying the foundation for sustained economic growth, effective institutions, and sound govemence Achieving Universal Primary Education by 2045; A Chance for Every Chld assesses wether universal primary to about 75 percent of the children out of school globally. By analyzing education policies and financing patterns in relatively highperfouming countries the study identifies a new policy and financing framework for faster flobal progress in primary education. This authors use a simlation model to show how adoption of his framework could accelerate progress in low income countries currently at risk of not reaching the Education MDG. ISBN : 8170492548
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