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  Spymaster: My Life in the CIA

Spymaster: My Life In The Cia

by Ted Shackley With Richard A. Finney

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 542.10
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  The death of legendary CIA operative Theodor G."Ted" Shackley in December 2002 triggered an avalanche of obituaries from all over the world, some of them condmnatory, Pundits used such expressions as "heroin trafficking" "training terrorists," "attempts ot assassinate Castro" and "Mob connections," More specifically, they charged him with having played a major role in the Chilean military coup of 1973. But who was the real Ted Shackley? in Spymaster, he has told the story of his entire remarkable career for he first time. With the assistance of fellow former CIA officer Richard A. Finney, he discusses the consequential poss he held in Berlin Miami los, Vietnam and Washington Where he was intimately involved in some of the key intelligence operations of the Cold War. During his long career, Shackley ran part of the inter agency program to overthrow Castro, was chief of station in Vientiane during the CIA`s secret war" against North Vietnam and the Pathet Lao, and was wartime chief of station in Saigon, After his retirement he remained a controversial figure in the early eighties he was falsely charged with complicity in the Iran-Contra Scandal. ISBN : 8170492882

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