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  Engineering Thermodynamics

Engineering Thermodynamics

by Jones & Dugan

  Price : Rs 625.00
  Your Price : Rs 531.25
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  This superb new text covers classical thermodynamics including the first law, second law and physical property relationships with outstanding illustrative engineering applications. Covering material rigorously, this text remains readable, and readily accessible through consistently lucid exposition, a logical organization, and strong pedagogical support. Balancing coverage of theory with applications, the text presents a thorough, concise and accurate discussion of thermodynamic principles as well as a realistic engineering approach to problem solving that encompasses modeling and other real world aspects of the field. Extremely current throughout, computer skills (modelling and problem solving) are emphasized and developed through exercises and through software included with the text. No other text offers as balanced, applied, and current an integrated approach as Engineering Thermodynamics.ISBN 9788120313750

Pages : 1024
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