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  Hypertension Control

Hypertension Control

by World Health Organization

  Price : Rs 55.00
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  Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for various heart ailments, such as congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and renal disfunction, and accounts for 20-25% of all deaths due to cardiovascular damage. Owing to a greater awaren ess of the public health, the need for primary prevention, an early detection and adequate treatment of the disease are being strongly felt. This report of the WHO Expert Committee contributes to the understanding of hypertension by enumerating its risk factors and predictors, and the best measures for its prevention and control with emphasis on the general usefulness of systolic blood pressure measurements. The distinctive features of hypertension in children and adolescents, women, elderly and diabetic people are extremely informative. The evaluation of the potential impact of lifestyle changes and the various pharmacological treatment options guide the policy makers in public health to select the most appropriate and cost-effective means of controlling the disease in different socio-economic settings. isbn-812031431X

Pages : 92
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