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  Materials Science And Engineering : A First Course, 5th Edi..,

Materials Science And Engineering : A First Course, 5Th Edi..,

by Raghavan

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  This well-established and widely adopted book, now in its Fifth Edition, provides a thorough analysis of the subject in an easy-to-read style. It analyzes, systematically and logically, the basic concepts and their applications to enable the students to comprehend the subject with ease.

The book begins with a clear exposition of the background topics in chemical equilibrium, kinetics, atomic structure and chemical bonding. Then follows a detailed discussion on the structure of solids, crystal imperfections, phase diagrams, diffusion in solids and phase transformation. This provides a deep insight into the structural control and the various properties of materials. The mechanical properties described include elastic, anelastic and visco elastic behaviour, plastic deformation, and creep and fracture phenomena. The last four chapters, which form the concluding part, are devoted to a detailed description of the electrical properties - conduction, superconductivity, semicon-ductor, and magnetic and dielectric properties.ISBN : 9788120324558

Pages : 430
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