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  Transducers And Instrumentation, 2nd edi..,

Transducers And Instrumentation, 2Nd Edi..,

by Murthy

  Price : Rs 1195.00
  Your Price : Rs 1015.75
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  This well-received and widely adopted text, now in its Second Edition, continues to provide an in-depth analysis of the fundamental principles of Transducers and Instrumentation in a highly accessible style. Professor D.V.S. Murty, who has pioneered the cause of development of Instrumen-tation Engineering in various engineering institutes and universities across the country, compresses his long and rich experience into this volume. He gives a masterly analysis of the principles and characteristics of transducers, common types of industrial sensors and transducers. Besides, he provides a detailed discussion on such topics as signal processing, data display, transmission and telemetry systems, all the while focusing on the latest developments. The text is profusely illustrated with examples and clear-cut diagrams that enhance its value. ISBN 9788120335691

Pages : 744
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