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  Product Management In India, 3rd Ed. With CD

Product Management In India, 3Rd Ed. With Cd

by Majumdar

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 845.75
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  This completely revised and updated text, now in its Third Edition, continues to explain the underlying concepts of product management. In the process, the book equips the budding as well as the practising managers with sufficient knowledge about how to deal with different problems faced in managing any typical fast moving consumer good or durable product.

Divided into three parts, the book provides, in Part I, a macro perspective of the Indian market. Part II offers an analytical discussion interspersed with vivid illustrations on conceptual issues like branding, segmentation, positioning and differentiation. Part III features several new products; it also provides latest information on the products presented in the earlier edition. In addition, it analyzes the current market situation prevailing for a particular product in India. Finally, here, each chapter shows how leading companies are successfully marketing the particular product in the Indian market.


The new edition incorporates the challenges offered by many new trends like growth of modern trade, explosion of the media, and the increasing influence of rural market in India.

Chapters on The Indian Market: Emerging Panorama, and New Marketing Challenges expose the students to contemporary concepts and examples.

Part III offers new chapters on market analysis on products such as Tea, Soft Drinks, Chocolates, Malted Beverages, Packaged Drinking Water, Tooth-Paste, Detergents, Fairness Cream, Footwear, Mobile Phones, and Digital Camera. Besides, it gives up-to-date background information for other products covered in the earlier edition.

The Student CD contains a set of PowerPoint Presentations (PPTs) of 20 products.

This well-established study has been widely adopted as a textbook in MBA programmes across the country. The Third Edition is more profusely illustrated with exhibits, diagrams and PPTs, and should be of immense utility and worth to the students of management as well as practising brand managers and executives in the advertising arena.ISBN 9788120333833

Pages : 452
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