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Indian Economy

by Ruddar Datt & K.P.M. Sundharam

  Price : Rs 650.00
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  Part I - Structure of the Indian Economy * Underdevelopment and the indian Economy * Economy Transtition in india * National income of Indian * Human Resolurces and Economics Development * Human Development in india * Occupational Structure and economic Development * Part II - Planning and Economic Development * Objectives and INdian Palanning * Public Sector and Indian Planning* Redefinning the Roel of the State * Privatization an Economic Reforms * Second Generation Reforms * Fitty Years of Plannning in india * Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) * The Problem of Capital Foreign Capital Foreign aid and Economic Development * Povert Inequality and Economic Development * Poverty Inequalitly and the Planning Process IN India * The Parallel Economicy in India * Unemploument in india * Lagde Industrial Holuses and Concentration of Economic Power in india * Prices Policy and Economic Growth * Balanced Regional Development * Part III - Agriculture in the National Economy * Food Security in india * The Green Revolution * Irrgation and Agricultural Inputs * Land Reforms * size of Farms and Productive Efficiency * Organisation of Rural Credit in india * Agricultural Marketing and Warehousing * Agricultural Taxation in india * Agricultural Labolur * Part IV - Indian Industries * Industrial Pattern and the Plans * Some Large Scale Industries * Small Scale Enterprises * Sickness in indian Industry * Labour Problems and Labour Ploicy * National Wage POlicy * Part V - The Tertiary Sector in the Indian Economy * The Forgien Trade of india * INdia Balance of Payment * Gati,wto and india Foreing Trade * Indian Currency System * Abbreviations * ISBN : 8121902983

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