1. General Care Principles, 2. Blood/Blood Products Transfusion, 3. IV Fluid Therapy, 4. Urethral Catheterization, 5. Artificial Rupture of Membranes, 6. Episiotomy, 7. External Version, 8. Paracervical Block, 9. Dilatation and Curettage/Evacuation, 10. Manual Vacuum Aspiration, 11. Aminoinfusion, 12. McDonalds Cervical Encirclage, 13. Manual Removal of Placenta, 14. Repair of Cervical Tears, 15. Symphysiotomy, 16. Repair for Bladder Injuries, 17. Uterine Inversion, 18. Uterine and Uteroovarian Artery Ligation, 19. Uterine Rupture Repair, 20. Peripartum Hysterectomy, 21. Induction and Augmentation of Labor, 22. Operative DeliveryVacuum Extraction, 23. Forceps Delivery, 24. Cesarean Delivery, 25. Procedure for Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy, 26. Fetal Blood Sampling/Cordocentesis, 27. Intrauterine Fetal Transfusion, 28. Fetal Shunts, 29. Anesthesia in Obstetrics. ISBN 9788180619274
Pages : 242