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  Telecommunication Switching Systems And Networks

Telecommunication Switching Systems And Networks

by Visxwanathan

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  Designed for the final year undergraduate or the first year postgraduate students in electronics and communication engineering and allied subjects, this compact and comprehensive text is intended to fulfil the long-felt need for a suitable textbook in the area of telecommunication switching systems and networks. The text covers, in a single volume, both switching systems and telecommuni-cations networks. The book gives a detailed discussion on topics such as fibre optic communication systems and networks, time division switching systems, data networks, ISDN, and voice data integration schemes. A distinguishing feature of the text is the comprehensive coverage of all aspects of telecommunication engineering. The book should therefore prove to be an invaluable asset to both practising telecommunication professionals and students.ISBN 9788120307131

Pages : 604
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