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  Statistics-Concepts and Applications, 2nd edi..,

Statistics-Concepts And Applications, 2Nd Edi..,

by Pal & Sarkar

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 760.75
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  This well-received book, now in its second edition, is designed for an introductory course in statistics for students of statistics, mathematics and management. In addition, postgraduate students of a variety of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, nursing and criminal justice, as well as professionals, surveyors and administrators will also find this book extremely helpful.

The book provides students with a strong foundation in the principles of statistics. It develops a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts through extensive use of illustrative and motivating examples and shows how these concepts can be applied to real-life situations.

The text explains each statistical technique and formula in a step-by-step manner with the help of small datasets. While discussing a wide range of topics, mathematical complexity has been kept at a bare minimum, and intuitive ideas have been given for each mathematical expression. Key concepts have been highlighted in boxes throughout the text. Chapter-end summaries in the form of flowchart capture all the important points. Chapter-end exercises with answers and the Question Bank containing about 150 questions offer the students the opportunity to test their ability to comprehend the concepts. Besides, this text illustrates the use of SPSS and Excel in carrying out statistical analysis. ISBN 9788120334458

Pages : 472
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