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  Financial Management in the Public Sector: Tools, Applications, and Cases

Financial Management In The Public Sector: Tools, Applications, And Cases

by Wang

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 165.75
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  This application-oriented book is designed as a core text to familiarize students with the hands-on tools and techniques in courses on Public Financial Management or Public Budgeting. Comprehensive in its coverage the text serves as a step-by-step guide to how to use financial management and budgeting tools in the public sector. It adopts a practical, case study approach and is embedded with numerous exercises and examples. The book covers all the cornerstone topics in the discipline one needs to know, including Financial Planning, Financial Implementation, and Financial Reporting and Analysis. Each chapter is a self-contained learning module, and includes learning objectives, key concepts, easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet models, a case study, and detailed exercises with answers provided in an appendix. Management students as well as public sector professionals will equally benefit from this handy primer. “This book will serve as an excellent text in public budgeting and financial management courses that focus on political processes, budgetary theories, historical development, and substantive public policies. The author’s pedagogical approach manifests an effective way to bridge theory and practice and enhance learning. Professor Wang demystifies the nature of and clarifies the application of many of the financial management tools that I had employed during my time in a budget office.” — JERRY GIANAKIS, Suffolk University Wang’s book convincingly addresses the audience’s needs. Instructors will value the case studies. Students will benefit from the straightforward presentation of concepts and techniques. Practitioners will use this resource for day-to-day real world applications. — AIMEE L. FRANKLIN, University of OklahomaISBN 8120330382

Pages : 216
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