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  Diversity and Public Administration-Theory, Issues and Perspectives

Diversity And Public Administration-Theory, Issues And Perspectives

by Rice (Ed)

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 191.25
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  Effective public governance in a milieu of diverse and defining characteristics such as ethnicity, religion, gender, disabilities, culture etc., is of great concern for the policy makers as well as the discerning public. This book presents a balanced and comprehensive overview of the policies and practices of managing in an environment of changing demographic profile. It deals with various diversities in workforce in public administration, with a strong orientation towards improving diversity management in the public sector.
The text is eminently suitable for study in public administration and political science courses that focus on the administration of populace with various diversities and multiculturalism.
"I will most certainly adopt the book. Diversity and Public Administration goes to the core of the critical intersection of diversity, public policy and administration, with immense dividends for both theory and practice. Mitchell Rice`s vast experience in both the United States and abroad, particularly in health policy, business, and policy analysis uniquely qualifies him to produce such a cogent, incisive and comprehensive text."ISBN 8120326911

Pages : 264
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